Jetspeed-CNY (Chinese New Year)?
Also interested in a speed racket which is why I’m so curious, would love any thoughts from the community. A bit about me:
– started badminton as a kid with no formal lessons or online teachings and recently picked it up again last few years, terrible habits I need to break still. Would slot myself low intermediate
– relatively versatile both front and back, smash is not the strongest but I do enjoy it, feel myself shining more with fast intercepts/blocks/drives/stick smashes (but I would like to improve on back court)
– formal racket journey started off with AS77 (OG) in 3UG4, great racket and flex felt perfect but after long sessions felt slightly tired and defence felt I was a bit slow at times, also wish it was a G5
– got a BS12 3UG4, love this racket, fast, easy to play, but lacking smash power, need to do multiple smashes to finish point,
– got interested in a faster racket so dove into a rabbit hole on this community about ARS100X, ARS90kii, BS12SE, JS12ii etc.
– went to Taiwan and bought 2 new rackets due to great deal. 88dp 4ug5, thought this would feel lighter and faster than my 3u AS77 but surprisingly with more head heaviness it felt a lot heavier to me, I know for most ppl they consider this an easy racket to use but for me and my level on off days or long sessions I do feel weak with this. Halbertec 8000 4ug5, heard great things about this from Ckyew and a few others in community, not strung yet but will try eventually
I shouldn’t buy another racket but I’m riddled with GAS, pls help me find an amazing speed racket!