Celebrating Excellence: AWIBA and ASTA Awards Recognize Outstanding Contributions to African Badminton

In a showcase of excellence and dedication, the recent Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Badminton Confederation Africa (BCA) held in Chengdu, China, saw the acknowledgment of two remarkable individuals and organizations for their significant contributions to the sport of badminton in Africa. The prestigious AWIBA (African Women in Badminton) Award and the ASTA (African Shuttle Time Award) shone a spotlight on exemplary efforts within the African badminton community.

Harriet Semugabi Receives AWIBA 2023 Award

Harriet Semugabi, a distinguished figure in the badminton arena from Uganda, was honored with the AWIBA 2023 Award for her exceptional leadership and tireless endeavors in advancing women’s participation in badminton across the continent. Harriet’s incredible journey as a BWF Accredited Umpire and her representation of Africa in various BWF-sanctioned tournaments globally accentuate her untiring commitment to the sport.

HIn an exclusive interview with BCA TV following the AGM, Harriet expressed her elation at receiving the award, stating, “I am very happy to be obtaining this award, as this year is special for me. This recognition reaffirms that dedication and hard work never go unnoticed. I am immensely grateful for this honor, and it motivates me to reach even greater heights in promoting badminton in Africa and beyond. I extend my heartfelt thanks to my Federation, BCA, and my supportive family and friends.”

Senegalese Badminton Federation Honored with ASTA Award


The ASTA Award for this edition was bestowed upon the Senegalese Badminton Federation in recognition of their outstanding contributions to badminton development through the Shuttle Time program. Mr. Adram Ndiaye, the main Shuttle Time coordinator, played a pivotal role in spearheading the Federation’s initiatives and ensuring the successful implementation of the program.

In 2023 alone, the Senegalese Badminton Federation delivered 4 Teachers Courses in different regions of Senegal, training a total of 76 teachers. With a proactive approach, they submitted their National Planning Document on time and meticulously executed activities as per the strategic plan. Mr. Adram Ndiaye’s resolute commitment was evident as he actively participated in all BCA activities throughout the year.

In an interview with BCA TV, Mr. Adram expressed his optimism about the Federation’s progress, stating, “This recognition is incredibly promising for our Federation, affirming that our efforts are making a tangible impact on badminton development. We remain steadfast in our commitment to achieving our objectives outlined in our strategic plan. This acknowledgment fuels our determination to continue working diligently towards our short-term and long-term goals.”

The AWIBA and ASTA Awards serve as beacons of inspiration, highlighting the invaluable contributions of Women and Federations in nurturing and promoting badminton across Africa. As we celebrate the achievements of Harriet Semugabi and the Senegalese Badminton Federation, let their dedication and passion inspire us all to strive for excellence and further improve the sport on the continent.

With a collective commitment to fostering talent, inclusivity, and innovation, the African badminton community stands poised to board on a journey of continued growth and success.

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