Adidas badminton 2022

Really funny that BC member like @Dave1011 , @speCulatius,@Cheung could do better marketing than Adidas itself. How many player convienced to try Adidas from their comment in this BC forum & Adidas themself giving up already.
They already had high tech stuff to boast if you look at their catalog. But that just to science nerd & not quite attractive. In regular person eye, what the hell is 30T/40T, C-mill what is that, hot melt eeerrr OK…. But YY, Trivoltege improve smash by 10%, hell yeah my smash will be even more deadly. Simple word, stupid naming but it hit the mark.
Then again Adidas need target market. To whom they want to sell their racket? AVP strong point are good quality yet cheap racket + able to hold 35 tension. Their target are a lower mid people who love badminton but cant afford the expensive one. P8 for 2.5M IDR are ridicolous when you had no name in badminton world even if its great racket. Even YY high end cost less than that & YY are very well known brand. How would Adidas hope to attract buyer with that kind of pricing.
Pretty messy marketing strategy i think.