Tension difference in Main & Cross

I hope to get input from experienced, knowledgeable stringers in this community.

Q: What mains and cross tensions should be used to string a racquet to 24 lbs?

About me: I’m a novice stringer experimenting with my manual lock-out stringing machine.

My observations:
I have found that after tying the knots on my mains, as I start adding the cross strings, the tension of the main strings increases as the cross strings push and pull them alternatively. After I finish stringing all the crosses, my Tourna StringMeter shows the tension of the mains to higher by 8 lbs compared to what it was before starting the crosses. Even if I assume that the StringMeter is inaccurate at telling the actual tension, we may reasonably trust the difference in tension that it reports.

So, here are my follow-up questions
1> For reaching a target tension of 24lbs, should I have started the mains at 24 – 8 = 16 lbs?
2> What should I set the tension for the crosses assuming a 10% increase: 16 + 1.6 ~= 18 lbs or 24 + 2.4 ~= 26 lbs?

I appreciate the time you’ve taken to read my write-up and any inputs you send my way. :)

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