Recently i had discussion about the usage of support stuff apparel on badminton coz one of my friend had little ankle accident (fortunetly not end up bad, just need to rest for a while, his doctor said).
Some suggest to wear ankle brace & i had 1 friend from other group that wear complete set of support (i call him zombie coz he wrap his whole body). 2 knee sleave + knee pad, right side ankle brace, right arm sleave.
He dont have injury just his routine is like 3-4x a weeks so be think all those would help him reduce injury risk.
Well… My urge to know force my finger to googling around & found some article about health mention that wearing brace for long term are bad. Simply by to much dependant to this kind off support weaken our muscle long term & suggester only use it when in recovery or rehabilitation but under normal condition, its better not use it but train our muscle strength & flexibility.
So… What do you think about it? Do you also wear support stuff when playing? I myself own 1 knee sleave & 1 knee pad but hardly ever use them. Only when im playing & kinda feel uncomfort to my knee, i would wear it.