Cindy Avendaño, coach and member of the leadership of the Bolivian Badminton Federation, has been working on the development of Bolivian badminton and aims to continue paving the way for greater growth of our sport in her country.
In the framework of International Women’s Day, Badminton Pan Am highlights various women from our region throughout the month of March, sharing their experiences for the inspiration of the entire Pan American family.
“My objectives with badminton in my country are to be able to start efforts and search for support, establish an organized structure at different levels, have adequate infrastructure for recreational, training and competitive practice and, in the same way, attract more committed people with similar passion for badminton so that they continue with the work that we have already been carrying out throughout the last time since the founding of badminton in Bolivia.”

The goals that Cindy has set for badminton in Bolivia are a response to the passion she has had for badminton since she met it. Our sport has allowed her to leave her comfort zone to take on new challenges and achieve various accomplishments.
“The best thing that sport has given me is being able to get out of my comfort zone. Sport helped me see life in a different way and be even more resilient.”
Resilience that has allowed Cindy to face different challenges and situations typical of the prejudice that still exists in some societies that have not established equal opportunities.
“Prejudices have always existed and still exist. The social environment is often cruel and brings with it a negative thought that being a woman I cannot achieve some things. “I have also come across people who at some point did not give me the opportunity to learn more or wanted to prevent me from having a managerial or technical space in sport.”
Despite all the difficulties, Cindy has been able to achieve many things and continues to work hard to achieve personal and professional goals with badminton in her country. She shares this message so that more people can also continue fighting for her dreams:
“Be resilient, do not doubt your abilities, fight for your dreams taken from the hand of God. Life is unique and we do not have much time to think, dare to take on challenges and achieve goals. Always give your best despite all the adversities that arise in life. When one does well and does it with love and passion, everything goes for the best.”