How did YOU get started????!!!
Can’t really remember when I started (but later than @Alex82 and @tjiew ), but I started because I broke around 2 strings per week. “Best” fail was when I tried BG 68 Ti and broke it after 5 minutes during warm up… Even when the price of a friend who strung my rackets was cheap (10€ with strings) it was quite expensive when you brake several rackets per months. So I did a research on the Internet about machines for beginners and talked to a friend who had a Pro’s Pro Pilot. Then I bought one Pilot too. Learning from @kwun helped a lot
I really wanted to improve my stringing so I watched different videos, what to do and what not to do. You can learn from bad videos as well. Then I gradually upgraded my Pro’s Pro machine with Chudek side supports, semi-automatic clamp bases and then the Wise tension head.
Due to some contacts in our club I got the chance to string at the Yonex German Open in 2017. Here I learned that stringing on a tournament is much different than stringing at home. Even if I was quite bad in this first tournament (just around 10 rackets per day) I could improve more and more and was invited again in the following years for the same tournament (then with much more than 10 rackets). My biggest tournament was in Basel 2019, the World Championships.
For me stringing is still a hobby at home with around 700-800 rackets (only badminton) per year.
After buying a used Yonex Protech 8 in 2018 I sold it some weeks ago this year and now stringing on a Yonex Precision 9.0
For me badminton is a real passion and because I like photography too I take pictures of our 1. and 2. team in our club from time to time.
Goals? Hmmm, I would say no matter how many rackets I get to keep the quality on a high level. That’s what I’m looking for. For me that is more important than how fast I string or how many rackets people have given me at the end of a month.
Even if not every topic here is really necessary for what you’re looking for I really like to read other people’s articles what they might think of or maybe someone has a problem and the others have great ideas to solve that.
Oh, by the way @kakinami the Gudgeon knot is my main knot Thanks for your video about that.
Keep going with interesting input Well done!