Hello ALL

What level player are you?
What are your goals from reading this singles tactics book?
Anyway, here’s some tips.
Make the court BIG for your opponent and small for you. What this means is make your opponent move across the whole of the court during the game. The longest distance will be the diagonal from one extreme back of the court to the net.
Use the first 5 points to test your opponent. See how well they defend attacks; See if they move to the rearcourt well; look how they respond to net shots; do they attack in straight lines or do they like to play sneaky cross court shots? Once you analyse their play and tactics you should be able to change how you play and get advantages and a score lead through that.
Don’t stand directly at the T when serving. Standing directly at the T works in doubles because there is someone behind you to cover you. But in singles there isn’t. So I recommend standing 1 or 2 steps away from the T. This should give you enough time to move to the rearcourt if you need to do a clear drop or smash, and you should be near enough to the net to cover net returns or pushes.
Develop some deception. Train or practice to make your overhead shot preparation look the same (smash, drop, slice drop, clear). You can also hold your racquet as you approach a shot, wait just long enough for your opponent to move and then play a shot in the opposite direction they are moving.
Play to your tempo. Do you like long ralleys, or do you like short ralleys? Whatever your preferred style, play shots that match it and change from the preferred style of your opponent.
When attacking, don’t go all out every shot. You will wear yourself out. Do some 50% or 70% smashes in the ralley, and when a weak reply comes it will be an easier finish for you. Remember, the harder you hit a shuttle, the less time you will have to reach where the next shot goes (eg, you smash straight, the opponent blocks it cross court, the harder you hit it, the less time you will have to reach the cross court destination because the shuttle travels faster).
Use youtube as a resource. Many professional players have youtube channels and give great advice. And you can watch many, many badminton matches for free.
Tobias Wadenka (mostly singles focused)
Badminton Insight (Gregg and Jennie, great videos)
They are the two channels I recommend first. If you like what you see then you can look at full swing badminton, badminton open, jacobs badminton, badminton famly etc
If you want to know anything else, ask away