[Feedback Request] 4 Corners Footwork Technique (with video)

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A lot more core and leg strength will help a lot. You get tired easily with a lot of lurching.

Your arm and racquet preparation is quite inconsistent especially with the rear court shots – many times your elbows are very close to the body and not high enough. Normally a rule of thumb for rear court overheads preparation is to have the left arm raised to slightly above shoulder level and the right arm slightly lower than shoulder level.

Your footwork to the round the head position can be a lot smoother – you need a lot more sets of reps to that area to groove the footwork pattern. Gaining more leg strength would help this.

Quite a few times, when in the middle of the court, your arms are very straight downwards with elbows close to the body. Any particular reason for that?

I suggest going back to two corner routines with slightly slower pace but really concentrating on correct form. Then add three corner and then four corner routines. You’re not quite there for random four corner routines for regular training. However, as a diagnostic exercise with the video, it’s excellent for showing up the main areas to work on.