Downpress clamp base repair


Struggling to get onto BC on my PC for a proper write-up, but in brief:

Myself and another owner of stringmaster deluxe had issues with the clamps base rear adjustment. He had a complete failure and sold me his bases. I took them apart and got advice on how to fix from the manufacturer*
In short, a screw that should move is seized.
I’ve also decided that the internal springs are too fragile.
I’ve sourced some of the required springs – to be tested. Still need to blowtorch out the screw.
Once i have 4 working OEM+ bases, I’ll be open to trade for failed bases. We should be in the minority, but I’ll mention it just in case.

Got some juicy pictures and maybe video to follow.

*Not recommended. Ideally, send entire rail back to be sorted. Unclear if this includes uprated springs.
Also note. My warranty is 100% void now but I have no plans to ship half the machine to Germany for repair, so that’s on me.