Category: Badminton

Chinese Taipei badminton

80plus said: ↑ Like CTC, good build,array of players(younger ones?) have progressed frm IC to 300+ tournaments very quickly in last 2 Months.Fast legs with powerful attack … Many upcoming(even established) players from other countries are not able touch their smashes.4/5...

VICTOR China Open 2023

VICTOR China Open 2023 (5th Sep to 10th sep 2023) Venue: Changzhou, CHINA Level: Super 1000Draw:…d=05883743-A911-4C4D-9901-5BBEEF2A6E34&draw=1 2020,2021,2022 China Opens were Cancelled due to Pandemic. All eyes are on this Tournament after 3 year hiatus, especially a week after World Championships....
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