The Reverse Cowgirl Haribito

Now that I have your full attention, let me disappoint most of you by pointing out that this thread is only about a special version of “my” favorite Haribito pattern for rackets with only 20 main strings (like some Babolats).

The catchy name originates from the fact that it has to be done in an upside-down kind of way. Let’s see what I mean.

Step 1:
Complete 9 mains on each side, lock the short side on the outside.
The long side jumps two holes and starts crosses at B13.
IMG_8459 (Groß).JPG

Step 2:
Long side does 16 crosses upwards, then goes down the final main.
Lock long side there from the outside or with a flying clamp.

Loosen the short side, go up the final main and finish the top three crosses. IMG_8460 (Groß).JPG

Step 3:
Tie-off short side at the top.

Long side finishes the two remaining crosses at the bottom.
Tie-off long side at the bottom.
IMG_8462 (Groß).JPG

And we’re done:

IMG_8463 (Groß).JPG

As with all these Haribito variants, the look on the outside of the frame is super nice and clean:
IMG_8464 (Groß) (Klein).JPG IMG_8466 (Groß) (Klein).JPG IMG_8465 (Groß) (Klein).JPG IMG_8467 (Groß) (Klein).JPG

So in case you’re a fan of these kind of 1-piece pattern and/or you like to experiment a bit, that’s a fun way to tackle those freak rackets with 20 mains.

Have fun trying it! :)