2024-2025 Club Membership Application

The 2024-2025 Member Club Application is for club membership valid until 5/1/2025 upon payment and full compliance. Member Clubs have access to a Club Insurance Option for 5/1/2024-5/1/2025, can host USA Badminton sanctioned tournaments, and be featured on USA Badminton’s website.
All adults (age 18 and older) that interact with minors MUST be included on the list given to USA Badminton for club membership, including part-time employees and front-desk workers.
Clubs with multiple locations will need to purchase separate membership and/or insurance for each privately owned location or locations at which the club conducts instructions/exhibitions.
Clubs will need to keep track of their own compliance status, aided by USA Badminton’s email reminder system.
The club should understand the following SafeSport reporting mechanisms:
- To report all concerns involving alleged physical misconduct, emotional misconduct, sexual misconduct or violations of the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) to the US Center for SafeSport, click here: USCENTERFORSAFESPORT.ORG/REPORT-A-CONCERN
- To report all concerns involving alleged physical misconduct, emotional misconduct, sexual misconduct or violations of the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) to USA Badminton, email Rachel.Bui@usabadminton.org
- The Club understands and agrees to report all violations of the Center for SafeSport, USAB’s SafeSport Policy and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP). Failure to report any violation will result in club suspension. Once suspended, USAB will not sanction the club’s tournaments and will revoke the club’s insurance coverage. There is no cost to submit a report.
For any questions about club membership, email Esther.Lin@usabadminton.org and Rachel.Bui@usabadminton.org.