Thai players

Porntip is a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Upon request, this is Kovit Phisetsarasai in the Thai Team.
He is a doubles player.
22 years old this year,a year 3 advertising major in one of the Unis in Bangkok.
His Thai nickname is Joe.Joe in Thai means kangeroo.
So those who are older or same age as him can call him Joe.As for those who are younger than him,like me,has to call him P’Joe.
The P indicates that he is older than me.

All Thais have a nickname and a real name,it’s common for them to pick up any noun or adjective as their nicks. :)
For example, Boonsak is nicknamed Man, so I call him P’Man.
Sudket is nicknamed Tao which means tortoise in Thai, I call him P’Tao.
:D *Sweet heart*

P’Joe lives in another province in Thailand which is quite far away from Bangkok.So most of the days,he chose to stay in the association,even during weekends.He is lazy to go home!

Look at his teeth!
During Aviva Open 2006.The one on the left is Peerasak(Boy).
The one on the right is P’Joe!


This pic was taken along river near Esplanade when he was in Singapore for Aviva Open.


Kovit,cooling down after his match.


Kovit and Satipab shopping in Orchard during Cheers Asian Satellite 2006!